Investment strategy

Company investments
We invest in established companies that have a proven business model or the potential to offer forward-looking products or services. By contrast, we exclude investments in companies that are in financial difficulties. Moreover, basic prerequisites for our investments are the acquisition of majority shareholdings as well as convincing entrepreneurs and management teams with growth ambitions.
As we are not subject to any maturity restrictions or fixed holding periods, we can and want to support long-term and sustainable growth strategies.

Venture Capital
Sustainable growth is as much about preserving the established as it is about seizing opportunities. That’s why we invest not only in established companies with proven business models, but also in Ventures with a compelling and promising business idea. Because long-term prosperity is no coincidence, but the result of decisive, fact-based decisions as well as a certain willingness to take risks, foresight, and patience.
In contrast to already established companies, we are also willing to participate indirectly or in a minority position in newly founded companies.

Real Estate
For us, real estate is about creating the best possible living and working space. That’s why we look for properties in which we can invest for long-term improvement, because we know that the value of a real estate ultimately depends on how and where people want to live and work. Our ambition is to discover and develop exceptional properties to create sustainable value for future generations.

Land & Forestry
Long-term and sustainable growth requires sufficient resources. With a growing world population, it is even more important to use limited resources, such as land and forestry, efficiently. That is why we are looking for opportunities to manage agricultural and forestry land in a sustainable way. Only if we use the limited land available responsibly, we will have a chance to enable long-term prosperity for all.

Major social challenges such as climate change can only be solved together. That is why we are looking for opportunities to invest in a better future alongside with other partners. Important for us are future-oriented investment fields such as sustainable energy supply or the creation of a viable infrastructure.
Feel free to contact us at any time with questions about any topic either directly by phone or email or use the form below.